Author: Urszula Borowska

Radioactive elements often make bad impressions – they are an atomic bomb or a nuclear plant disaster. A lot of contradictive information is spread mostly in mass-media and it has caused negative reactions, but, what is surprising, radioactive elements are everywhere and they may have a positive influence on our body. Balneology’s division – alphatherapy (radonotheraphy) – uses radon and its decomposition products for healing purposes. Water and air are the most frequently used carriers of radon in medicine. As a therapy, alphatherapy is applied as baths, inhalations and drinks. Clinical observations supported by scientific researches confirmed radon positive influence…

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Therapeutic mud treatment has thermic, mechanical phisiomechanical, hormonal enzymatic, immunomodulatic, stimulatic and bacterial results. Not surprising then tat, beside using therapeutic mud for mediacal purposes, it is also used in body maintenance and body regeneration in many cures. Physiological effect of therapeutic mud treatment is a complex activity, based mostly on a heat treatment. The ability to keep warm comes from a low thermal conductivity of therapeutic mud, the lack of convection current and its big heat capacity. Overheating within a local tissue increases cells’ metabolism. The ingredients of therapeutic mood pervade through skin accumulating in a horny layer or…

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